Michael J. Schroepfer
Bachelor of Science Degree in Accounting, St. John’s University, 1983
Certified Public Accountant: California – 1989
Minnesota – 1986 |
Farrow Corporation
Mr. Schroepfer specializes in the evaluation and measurement of economic damages involving insurance claims and litigation resulting from business interruption, property damage, fidelity, and third party claims. With respect to business interruption, Mr. Schroepfer has handled a multitude of diverse engagements ranging across a broad business spectrum. Mr. Schroepfer’s expertise includes; but, is not limited to the following: |
Recent work has also included losses incurred by businesses as a result of the World Trade Center catastrophe. In addition, Mr. Schroepfer has been involved with the following losses/engagements: |
Mr. Schroepfer has also given expert testimony on behalf of insurers and has
assisted during Examinations Under Oath, depositions and provided
other litigation services. His technical skills include extensive knowledge
of management information systems and database management.
In September 2005, Mr. Schroepfer joined Farrow Corporation and was charged with opening the NY/NJ operation. Prior to joining Farrow Corporation, Mr. Schroepfer was a Partner at Hagen, Streiff, Newton & Oshiro, Accountants, P.C. (HSNO) specializing in forensic accounting and litigation support. Prior to HSNO, Mr. Schroepfer worked for Radio & Records, Inc. as Chief Financial Officer; The Walt Disney Company as Director of Finance for Hollywood/Lyric Street Records; and audit supervisor at KPMG. During his years of service in the entertainment industry, he was involved in negotiations regarding licensing, royalty participation, joint venture, strategic alliances, commercial real estate, credit facility and capital lease agreements. He was also responsible for mergers and acquisitions and strategic planning. |
American Institute of Certified Public Accountants
California State Society of Certified Public Accountants Minnesota Society of Certified Public Accountants |
[email protected] |